International Music Festival Genova

International Music Festival in Genoa

X International Music Festival

10th – 13th July 2025

Arbaga Band

Italy - Torino

Italia – Torino

Modular service formation, based in Turin, composed of Musicians of Music Bands associated with the Arbaga (Piedmont Regional Association of Bands) which since the resumption of band activity after the covid, is used for the parades of Majorettes Groups without Band or to accompany the National Team Majorettes F.I.G.M. The group also fills other roles and for example, at the beginning of June 2022, at the Turin Stadium it was the soundtrack of the “Olympics Games”, the games of disabled athletes with 200 Musici, participated in the 2023 edition of the famous “Messer Tulipano” review in Pralormo with 120 Musici , participated in the European Music Festival in Turin 2022 and 2023 and plans to go and represent Piedmont together with the Turinstars Majorettes at an upcoming international gathering in Malta.