International Music Festival Genova

International Music Festival in Genoa

X International Music Festival

10th – 13th July 2025

Associazione bandistica città di Mentana

Italy - Mentana

Italy – Mentana

The Associazione bandistica città di Mentana was established in 1889 at the initiative of the then Mayor of the town of Mentana Giuseppe Lodi and some willing citizens who
turned to Prince Paolo Borghese to contribute to the expenses necessary to the formation of a band corps that took part in the numerous local ceremonies. An unmistakable feature of this musical group is certainly the red uniform adopted following the battle of Mentana in November 1867, fought by Garibaldi and his Redshirts to annex Rome to Italy.

The association boasts a music school, whose students have distinguished themselves over the years in several national and international competitions, and a majorettes corps with its dance school, which has also won major awards at European level.

Currently the Band consists of about 35 musicians and 20 majorettes and continues to promote traditions and local folklore while also participating in TV programs, TV series and important events of national appeal.