International Music Festival Genova

International Music Festival in Genoa

X International Music Festival

10th – 13th July 2025

Club “TurinStars Majorettes”

Italy - Turin

Turin Stars Majorettes

Italy – Turin

The formation is a Team of the Italian National Team of F.I.G.M. (Federazione Italiana Gruppi Majorettes) and was born in 1990. It has the name of Turin because the Federation of traditional Italian Majorettes, those who practice Twirling as a sporting discipline related to the Musical Band, is based here. Composed of senior majorettes, captains or soloists of federated Clubs, the group is the original federal formation born to participate as representative in important institutional events such as the World Cross Championships, the World Championships of sport fishing, the Winter Olympics 2006, the World Master Games, the Carnival of Viareggio, or to national television programs such as Giochi senza Frontiere, Paperissima, Uno contro 100, Detto Fatto, Che tempo che fa.