International Music Festival Genova

International Music Festival in Genoa

X International Music Festival

10th – 13th July 2025

Corpo Bandistico Città di Rapallo

Italia – Rapallo, Genova

The Band “City of Rapallo” is a formation born on 7 December 1845. Currently it has about fifty elements all formed, at least initially, in the band’s music school. The group is composed of young and very young musicians and is constantly evolving. Since 2017 the conductor of the Band is Daniele Casazza who offers repertoires that are always interesting, varied and that are a stimulus for the musical growth of the musicians. The Board of Directors, since 2022 is chaired by Ilaria Luppi who has played in the formation for 25 years.
One aspect to emphasize is the union between band and solidarity: the direction given by the director and the last councils, such as the one chaired by Francesco Angiolani, has taken this path. The band, along with other musical realities and not, donated funds to the Band of the City of Norcia, played during the Covid for doctors and nurses and raised funds for the Association Paratetraplegici Liguria. Music, friendship and sharing.